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The Advantages of a Simple Divorce in Florida

It is painful to see a marriage you’ve built for years crumbling before your own eyes. Couples vow to work things out no matter how difficult the situation become during the marriage. Unfortunately, unforeseeable events that threaten the core of the marriage may arise. A diligent divorce attorney can offer insights on how to approach the process. The objective should be to make the process affordable, quick, and less tiring. Your attorney has no emotional attachment to your divorce. As such, they can provide a rational perspective on how to confront various issues. Couples can differ over various matters during a divorce, including alimony, debts, assets, insurance, child support, and timesharing. Child support and custody matters are hard to resolve. They usually necessitate court intervention. Your divorce attorney can help you to reach a settlement agreement on complicated disputes.

A simple divorce is not the same as a simplified divorce. Simplified divorce happens when spouses resolve all their disputes and file the petition together. Couples should disclose their financial details and appear before a judge several times before the divorce gets terminated. Many people don’t want to go through a tedious and lengthy divorce process. An uncontested divorce is favorable because it is affordable and quick. Divorce attorneys usually charge a flat fee for amicable divorces because of the certainty of the process. The court has no adjudication work to do in an uncontested divorce except dissolving the union. Cooperative spouses stand a better chance of an amicable divorce process. Some couples are hell-bent on fighting over issues. Lack of cooperation between spouses during divorce can result in an expensive and protracted process.

A contested divorce can take a long time in court. Couples with significant wealth and children may find it hard to get divorced. That’s because every matter has to be resolved privately or through the legal system. Couples without wealth and children can get a divorce quickly and cost-effectively because there are no hindrances. A contentious process is unpredictable. Divorce attorneys usually charge an hourly fee for contested divorces. Spouses should resolve as many issues as possible to alleviate costs and fast-track the divorce process. Please see page for more insights on how to get a simple divorce in Florida.

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